
“I can’t tell you haw many times I’ve reflected on and discussed my trip to the DR. Not only did it make my faith stronger, but it reinforced my belief that love truly does conquer all. You may not be able to fix poverty in two weeks, but you can certainly make a world of difference. I am humbled every day when I think back on my experience with Meeting God in Missions. I look forward to my next missions trip with MGM.”Alison, Chicago, IL (Grove City College Graduate)
“‘Not by might nor by power, but my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty.’ Zechariah 4:6. It is amazing to see the power of the Holy Spirit move when we take ourselves off the throne of our lives and place the Lord there. We came feeling insignificant in the ability to serve the people of the DR being told one person can’t make a difference. When we leave room for the Holy Spirit to move, the body of Christ can do the impossible and the impact is explosive. That power made a great wave of impact in the DR but a tsunami of impact in our own individual lives.”Jennifer, Waynesburg, PA (Physician's Assistant)
“Having been encouraged the past few years by brothers in Christ to make an MGM mission trip to the Dominican Republic, I finally made my first trip in January 2018 and it was one of the best things I have ever done for myself in deepening my walk and faith with God. The storytelling and sharing I received by men who had gone before me was encouraging and inspiring but the fullness and richness of my own personal experience was unsurpassed. You must experience this mission trip for yourself in order to receive the heart change God has planned for you. From the worship time in the Upper Room, fellowship in the Dining Hall and ultimately serving in the mission field, God revealed a new way of being and living in servant-hood to others and loving the least, the lost and the last. Every praise to our God!”Phil, Pittsburgh, PA (General Manager)